
152 Posts
Mozart’s Musical Journey
14 April 1770: Contredance in B-flat major, K. 123
Leopold Mozart writes to his wife from Rome, “We arrive here safely on the 11th at noon. I could have been more easily persuaded to return to Salzburg than to proceed to Rome, for we had to travel for five
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
5 April 1778: Sinfonia Concertante, K. 297b
Wolfgang writes to his father from Paris on 5 April 1778. “I MUST now explain more, clearly what mamma alludes to, as she has written rather obscurely. Capellmeister Holzbauer has sent a “Miserere” here, but as the choruses at Mannheim
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
29 March 1783: Piano Concerto in C major No. 13, K. 415
As always, Mozart provides his father Leopold with a detailed report of his concert activities at the Vienna Augarten. He writes on 29 March 1783: “I need not tell you much about the success of my concert, for no doubt
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
20 March 1784: Piano Concerto No. 14, K. 449
On 20 March 1784, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart sent his father the famous list of subscribers who paid an entrance fee of six gulden for three concerts at the Trattnerhof. “Here you have the list of all my subscribers,” he writes,
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
12 March 1785: Violin Sonata No. 32, K. 454
In March of 1785 Leopold Mozart was visiting his son in Vienna, and he reports to his daughter Nannerl, “Your brother recently made 559 gulden at his concert, which was unexpected, because he is simultaneously giving his six subscription concerts
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
7 March 1778: “Basta vincesti… Ah, non lasciarmi,” K. 486a
Wolfgang writes to his father from Mannheim, “I have received your letter on the 26th February, and am much obliged to you for all the trouble you have taken about the arias, which are quite accurate in every respect. Next
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
28 February 1778: “Non so d’onde viene,” K. 294
“I have also, for practice,” Wolfgang Amadeus writes to his father from Mannheim, “arranged the air ‘Non so d’onde viene’ which has been so charmingly composed by Bach. Just because I know that of Bach so well, and it pleases
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Mozart’s Musical Journey
20 February 1771: Ascanio in Alba
From his extended Italian journey, and after having dodged a serious flu epidemic, Wolfgang Amadeus writes to his sister. “I am still well, and, thank God, in the land of the living. Tell Herr Johannes Hagenauer that the Berlein family
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