
30 Posts
Musicians and Artists: Nigel Clarke and Sara Cunnington
In West Malling, Kent, there’s a statue of a woman, Hope by Sara Cunnington. The woman strides forward, a dove in her hand about to launch out into the world. Hope’s cloak, streaming behind her, is patterned with panels that
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Precise Engineering and an Imperfect Mechanism
Carlos Sanchez-Guttierrez’s …Ex Machina
Mexican composer Carlos Sanchez-Guttierrez (b. 1964), who now teaches at the Eastman School of Music, created his work …Ex Machina in 2008 as a work for marimba, piano, and symphony orchestra. He was inspired by different artworks, mostly by the
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What Was Left Behind
André Jolivet’s Mana
The French composer André Jolivet (1905–1974) was the sole pupil in France of the composer Edgar Varèse (1883–1965). Jolivet was the son of an artist and pianist and from his parents, soon excelled in both fields. One of his music
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Musicians and Artists: Jake Heggie and 5 Sculptures
Jake Heggie: Statuesque American composer Jake Heggie (b. 1961) started the piano when he was seven and composing when he was 12. A commission from the San Francisco Opera led to the start of his successful opera career when he
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Musicians and Artists: Liszt, Raphael, and Michelangelo
Franz Liszt: Années de pèlerinage (Years of Pilgrimage) Over his life, Franz Liszt (1811–1886) travelled widely. From his start in Hungary, through his first concerts as a child, his training in Vienna, his life in Paris, living with Countess Marie
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Auguste Rodin
“I Invent Nothing, I Rediscover”
One might argue that Auguste Rodin (1840-1917) is perhaps the most exhibited and collected sculptor in the world. His sumptuous bronze and marble figures, including the highly lauded “The Thinker” and “The Kiss,” are masterpieces by what some critics consider
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Musicians and Artists: Pärt and Kapoor
Arvo Pärt: Lamentate The Tate Modern in London has one exhibition hall, the Turbine Hall, that is so large it becomes its own problem for artists. The space is 155m x 23m x 115m (500’ x 75’ x 115’) with
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Musicians and Artists: Zimmermann and Klein
Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Photoptosis (Incidence of Light) Created for the celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the Gelsenkirchen town bank, Bernd Alois Zimmerman’s 1968 work Photoptosis (Incidence of Light) looked to the gigantic paintings created by French artist Yves Klein
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