
My Beethoven by Frances
I can’t remember how old I was when I first encountered the music of Ludwig van Beethoven, but I probably first heard his music on the record player in my paternal grandfather’s front room, a space which was used only
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Is There a Keith Jarrett Blueprint?
The following article is a rewrite and condensation of a university dissertation written in 2015. Approached quite ingenuously at the time, I later came to realise that this writing had prematurely exposed what is to become my primary approach to
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Whole Body Learning
A Complete Approach to Learning Music Whole Body Learning (WBL) or kinaesthetic learning is a way of teaching and learning music which engages body, mind and emotions, drawing on the principles and approaches of early 20th-century educators such as Orff,
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Stuck at Home With Your Kids, and Losing Your Mind?
Music-Making Ideas During COVID-19
With our kids at home, many of us are at a loss as to how to continue their music education while also finding time to practice or get other work done ourselves! There are certain prerequisites before beginning music lessons.
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Orchestral Hints – Parts and Marking Up
It may sound strange if I told you I get warned on a regular basis at work – but it might not be for the reasons you would think. I’m talking about the world of orchestral parts; often well-used, dog-eared
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On Isolation
The current world situation and the spread of the biggest pandemic of the century — resulting in quarantine and isolation —has brought many people in front of one of their scariest fear: solitude. Contradictorily, for the artists it is a
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Naughty Musicians
Crazy Stunts, Jokes, and Toilet Paper Playing During Covid-19
Times are tough. We all need a laugh and many musicians are among those who are lightening the mood with crazy jokes, and stunts. For eons viola players have been the brunt of classical music jokes. Here’s one—Why do violists
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The Self-Isolating Musician
The coronavirus is forcing us to practice social distancing and self-isolation. As I joked on Twitter the other day, musicians, and especially pianists, have been self-isolating for years! The musician’s life is, by necessity, lonely for in that sequestered time
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