
Discover Margaret Bonds
Because my mouthIs wide with laughterAnd my throatIt is deep with songYou do not thinkI suffer afterI have held my painSo long?Because my mouthIs wide with laughterYou do not hearMy inner cry?Because my feetAre gay with dancingYou do not knowI
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What Makes a Masterpiece?
While I much prefer the term ‘work of genius’ over masterpiece, it looks like we are still stuck with this word stemming from c. 1600 to define, well, a masterpiece. In an exhibition happening now until June 14, 2021, at
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Upcycling Sound
You see them huddled on top shelves in antique stores, pinned to the walls in themed bars and restaurants, or piled in mouldy smelling cases at swap meets and antiques fairs. What can be done with these poor abandoned instruments?
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What Have Musicians Learned From Lockdown?
Most of us have had to live in lockdown or under various restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic for over a year now. It has been a particularly difficult time for musicians, in an already precarious profession, and the knock-on
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Audition Preparation
Ah, auditions. One of my favourite performance experiences where nothing ever goes wrong and I feel totally calm and relaxed and always play exactly how I do in real life with no silly mistakes at all… If only, right? Apart
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Xu Zhong and the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra: “A Giant’s Dream”
28 March 2021: Shanghai Grand Theatre
Once upon a time, Shanghai was a small fishing village on the Yangzi River delta. By the mid-19th century, however, the village turned into a city administered concurrently by the British, Americans and French. Each colonial presence brought its particular
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The Habit of Creation
It is often said that musicians — particularly performers — and athletes behave similarly. As a matter of fact, it is quite true. Aside from the physical, training and practice aspect of their activity, both are bound to dedication, discipline,
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“There Are Many Works I Love That Do Not Love Me Back!”
This quote from an interview I did with pianist Antoine Préat perfectly expresses my relationship with many composers and their music. When I returned to playing the piano seriously in my later 30s, after a break of some 20 years,
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