
32 Posts
The 2014 Lufthansa Festival
In its 30th year, the 2014 Lufthansa Festival presented a variety of music heard in Britain during the early 18th century under the reign of the Georgian dynasty. There were many favourites on offer, such as Handel’s Coronation Anthems, Ode
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Festival International d’Opéra Baroque de Beaune
written by Melissa, for Juliette. In her annual attempt to inject some culture into her nineteen-year-old daughter’s life, my mother forced me to attend the Festival International d’Opéra Baroque in Beaune. So it was with resignation and not a little
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Le French May
I have been travelling so extensively lately that I missed most of the wonderful performances that Le French May brought to Hong Kong this year. Fortunately however, I managed to attend a concert featuring Nemanja Radulovic, a young Serbian violinist
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Another Folle Journée in Tokyo
This year, La Folle Journée is celebrating the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth. I decided to take my mother, a Chopin enthusiast, for a special three-day musical marathon. Once again, thanks to the concierge team at The Peninsula, I managed
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Hong Kong Arts Festival
I have been spending a lot of time in London lately, so I have regretfully been unable to attend all the exciting and exceptional events of the Hong Kong Arts Festival. Nevertheless, during the few days I was in Hong
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London Handel Festival
I was in London for three days, and was lucky enough to find myself in the midst of the London Handel Festival. I got a ticket for the concert Arias for Mrs. Arne, which included a pre-concert festival walk around
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The 12th Beijing Music Festival
I debated whether I should go to the Beijing Music Festival or not, as I had just returned from over four weeks of traveling in Europe, which included the Queen Elisabeth Musical Voyage, and was looking forward to some peaceful
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Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival
This summer, Hong Kong’s music enthusiasts were excited to witness the first Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival, organised by Premiere Performances of Hong Kong under the artistic direction of cellist Trey Lee. During the four-day festival in June, 10
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