
Second Time Around
Repeats in Schubert’s last piano sonata
Whether or not to meticulously observe the exposition repeat in Schubert’s final piano sonata No, 21 in B-flat major, D960, is a question which continues to trouble pianists, musicologists and listeners alike. The debate concerns aspects such as authenticity, personal
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Forgotten Pianists: Theodor Leschetizky
Theodor Leschetizky (1830 –1915) is a pianist who crosses wide musical and time scales. His father was a talented pianist and teacher; after his first lessons with his father, he was taken to Vienna to study with Carl Czerny. At
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Forgotten Pianists: Wanda Landowska
We should actually entitle this one “Forgotten Keyboardists…” because Wanda Landowska (1879-1959), actually did more for the harpsichord than for the piano. She began her piano study at age 4 and studied in Warsaw, Berlin, and Paris. By 1912, she
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century—All That Jazz!
A discussion of Musical Giants would not be complete without naming the towering artists of twentieth century jazz: Clark Terry, Duke Ellington, Count Basie, Dizzie Gillespie, Quincey Jones, Ella Fitzgerald, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, Herbie Hancock,
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What We Love About
There are certain things that catch our ear, catch our eye, and then become the focus for why we like things. What we love about: The clarinet: its warm tone
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Ten Tips For Playing Music In Nursing Homes
We all know that the world can be a dark and lonely place. But remember: as a musician, you have the power to shine light into dark corners. I belong to an adult amateur string orchestra, and every holiday season
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Musicians in the blogosphere
In recent years, the blog (a truncation of the expression ‘web log’) has become a popular means of sharing information and opinions, and there are thousands of blogs across the web on the myriad aspects of classical music and music
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Forgotten Pianists: Walter Gieseking
Walter Gieseking (1895-1956) had a family that travelled frequently and so his first performances at the piano were without formal training. It wasn’t until 1911 that he was able to start formal study at the Hanover Conservatory. His budding career
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