
3101 Posts
More please! The Art of the Piano Encore
The concert is complete, the applause is given generously. The performer bows, acknowledging the audience and their applause, and leaves the stage. The applause grows more enthusiastic and the performer returns once again to take a bow and thank the
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Forgotten Pianists: Marguerite Long
When Ravel wrote his piano suite Le Tombeau de Couperin in memory of the soldiers of the Great War, the first performance in Paris in 1919 was given by the Marguerite Long, who was the widow of Joseph de Marliave,
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Kurt Moll (1938-2017): “The Voice of God”
With the passing of Kurt Moll (1938-2017) the world has lost one of its greatest voices. Internationally renowned for his velvety and deeply moving voice, Moll was capable of reaching into the infra-bass range. Reaching to the glorious depths of
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The Three C’s: Confidence Commitment Concentration
Sometimes, and more frequently that you might imagine, my husband’s world (mountain-biking) and mine (music) intersect, with interesting results. At first sight, our respective passions could not be more different: he likes to hurl himself and his bike down the
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Forgotten Pianists: Benno Moiseiwitsch
Benno Moiseiwitsch (1890-1963) was another of the great pianists who came onto the international stage in the 1930s and who brought an elegance of performance matched with a relaxed virtuosic style.
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Note Bashing
I never thought I’d write an article on “note bashing”. In general it’s not something I advocate – mindless repetitive practise, thoughtlessly hammering away at the same phrase or group of notes. However, during my work on one of Schubert’s
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Playing for Progress: In Touch with Alyson Frazier
2016 has certainly seen more crises than most years. But while the attention of the general public and the media tends to move quickly from one disaster to the next, many of those crises remain far from resolved. One of
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Forgotten Pianists: Egon Petri
Pianist Egon Petri (1881-1962) was a Dutch citizen, born in Hannover, Germany, to Dutch parents. He first learned violin from his father, Henri Petri, who had been a student of Joseph Joachim, one of the most significant violinists of the
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