Behind the scenes

134 Posts
Performance Problems
“What Could be More Embarrassing?” Recently, Madonna fell backwards down a staircase tripping on her Matador cape during a live performance on the BRIT Awards. Beyoncé and Lady Gaga too have taken embarrassing tumbles while performing.
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“In The Zone” — How Performers Do It
You can hardly believe it when you experience that rare, perfect moment when your gestures, feelings, senses and your mind are in perfect harmony. When everything “gels” you sound like you do in your mind— like Heifetz, Rubinstein, James Galway,
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Play it again Condi! Brahms, that is!
Do you still remember Condi Rice? Actually, that is Dr. Condoleezza Rice, and she was Secretary of State for the administration of George W. Bush. Night after night she stood in front of eager television cameras and lied about weapons
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Team Orchestra- What Does a Section Leader Do?
There is much more to being an effective orchestra member than merely playing your instrument well. Teamwork is really important in an orchestra. Without teamwork a cohesive interpretation of the music is impossible.
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For Musicians the Holiday Hubbub is Crunch Time!
Musicians are extremely popular this time of year—what’s a celebration without music? We all look forward to the Holidays and the merriment of the New Year and it can be a lucrative time for musicians. Each town prepares furiously to
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Making or Missing the Leap from Child to Adult
Sometimes when you hear a child prodigy, you marvel at their ability to perform at such a high level. The technical skills are there, the musicality is there, and resulting performance is nothing short of miraculous in its perfection. But
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Playin’ In The Rain
In the song Singin’ in The Rain, Gene Kelly tap-dances in the streets of Paris, splashing with joy in the downpour. Playing in the rain is another story. We definitely do not dance. Most orchestras have a few days of
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The Fight for Spontaneous Applause
We think nothing of it – a brilliant performance and we launch to our feet, applauding madly. In the years of the claque, however, spontaneous applause was not so easy to come by. The claque, a word coming out of
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