
32 Posts
Creating the Beethoven Anniversary – An Interview With Nike Wagner
The year 2020 is going to be a Beethoven year without a doubt. Leading the international examination of the master’s works will be his native city of Bonn and the Beethovenfest Bonn 2020. Nike Wagner started leading the Beethovenfest Bonn
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A Talk With Malte Boecker
2020 is a momentous year for all lovers of music as we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth. And to get us in the mood for this significant occasion, Interlude spoke with Malte Boecker, director of the Beethoven-Haus in
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Médée in Salzburg: When Visuals Devour Their Musical Children
Luigi Cherubini’s Medea is nothing if not firmly and consistently associated with Maria Callas. The Greek American soprano revived this masterpiece from relative obscurity, and committed it to stage, disc, film, but most importantly to legend. Any Medea needs to
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Salzburg Festival 2019: Mozart’s Idomeneo
Salzburg generally does Mozart exceptionally well. But this year Salzburg did very little well, including Mozart. The Salzburg native’s seminal work is difficult to perform at the best of times. The story set in Crete after the Trojan War poses
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The Little Festival That Could: Verdi’s Falstaff at The Grange Festival
The Grange Festival has dramatically risen from operatic ashes after the previous management team marched off in 2016 with the chairs, lighting, database and many of the all-important sponsors. The backers of the glorious but dilapidated venue in Hampshire quickly
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Equal Sides of the Musical Triangle
David Ludwig about IC2019
When we last spoke with David Ludwig, he was about to head off for Hong Kong to participate in the 2019 Intimacy of Creativity – The Bright Sheng Partnership: Composers Meet Performers in Hong Kong (IC) festival held by the
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A Salome to flummox the Salzburg glitterati
This summer’s Salzburg Festival chatter was dominated by the enthusiastic reviews of the new production of Richard Strauss’ Salome and its new star soprano Asmik Grigorian.
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Beautiful Song Beautifully Sung
An Interview with Kenneth E. Querns Langley
Three years ago, bel canto scholar and tenor Kenneth Querns Langley started working on the idea of a Bel Canto Festival and it came to fruition last year. This year will be the second Festival, built around the participation of
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