Behind the scenes

134 Posts
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Johann Sebastian Bach and Johann Philipp Kirnberger
“Johann Sebastian Bach’s method is the only one and the best one. It is regrettable that this great musician has written nothing theoretical about music, and that his teachings have been made available to posterity only through his pupils.” We
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The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Friedrich Gulda and Martha Argerich
Around Martha Argerich’s 5th birthday, her mother placed her under the pianistic tutelage of Vicente Scaramuzza. Even though Mr. Scaramuzza was considered a sadistic fanatic, he gave her a superb technical grounding and laid the foundations for her unique cantabile
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The Operatic Rivals: Giulio Caccini vs Jacopo Peri
Count Giovanni de’Bardi was a seriously important man in Florentine society of the Renaissance. He studied Latin and Greek, took lessons in music composition, and as a soldier fought a number of successful wars. Yet he is primarily known for
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Leonard Bernstein and the Nixon Tapes
Leonard Bernstein’s Mass was commissioned by Jacqueline Kennedy as part of the opening ceremony for the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. It premiered on 8 September 1971 and is based on the Roman Catholic
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Big Luciano and his Little Friend
Luciano Pavarotti was well into middle age, enormous in circumference, and rich beyond comprehension. He certainly was famous the world over, and it came as no surprise that his passion for women—only rivaled by his love of food and money—would
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Vassyl Slipak: Great Baritone killed by Sniper
Opera singers die on stage almost every night! However, it’s somewhat rare for them to actually perish in real military engagements. But that’s exactly what happened to Ukrainian bass-baritone Vassyl Slipak on 29 June 2016. After singing at the Paris
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Behind the Curtain
Mademoiselle La Cachucha
It all started with Hector Berlioz and his Evenings with the Orchestra! A group of bored musicians are stuck in a small town playing overrated operas. With nothing else to do, they tell tales, read stories and exchange gossip about
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Behind the Curtain
Big Luciano
It all started with Hector Berlioz and his Evenings with the Orchestra! A group of bored musicians is stuck in a small town playing overrated operas. With nothing else to do, they tell tales, read stories and exchange gossip about
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