
60 Posts
István Várdai
Planting and Harvesting I chat with István Várdai when he is in Helsinki, after a long tour of concerts across China and Europe. He continues his travels to Hong Kong on 5 November, playing a recital with pianist Sunwook Kim.
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Adrien La Marca
‘Something Beyond Understanding’ I begin my interview with Adrien La Marca with a discussion not about music, but of food. Ahead of his performance of the Walton Viola Concerto in Hong Kong on 2 June, we talk about where to
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Bomsori Kim
Currently based in New York, Korean violinist Bomsori Kim plays with Pallavi Mahidhara in Hong Kong this month, with a programme of Ysaÿe, Sibelius, Debussy and Kreisler.
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Richard Lin
‘Just Enjoy the Moment’ Taiwanese American violinist Richard Lin is no stranger to Hong Kong, having performed at a fundraising event with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in January this year. He returns this month to play Korngold’s violin Concerto with
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Jean-Guihen Queyras
‘The relationship with the moment’ A stint concerts of improvisation with the Iranian zarb quickly precedes an evening of Bach Cello Suites and Haydn Concerti – this does not phase cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras, who is one of those people who
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Maria Milstein
Trios, Travelling and Teaching Moscow-born violinist Maria Milstein balances a successful solo career with the work of her chamber group the Van Baerle Trio. I speak to Maria in the days following a week with six concerts with the group,
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Valeriy Sokolov
‘Be True to Yourself’ A Bartok concerto in Kiel and Hamburg, a Prokofiev concerto in Hong Kong, a Brahms concerto a week later in Tokyo… 30 year-old Valeriy Sokolov thinks nothing of having these giants of the repertoire at such
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Alina Pogostkina
‘It is a huge privilege and luxury to be able to have this life’ January’s Artist of the Month is Alina Pogostkina, a Russian-born German violinist storming the international stage. 2016 saw her playing with groups including the Philharmonia, Brno
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