
272 Posts
Encounter – Igor Levit
Pianist Igor Levit is one of the heroes of lockdown – a “key worker”, if you will (!), who provided comfort and distraction in those anxious, early days of the pandemic. At a time when the concert halls of the
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Ravel: Le Langage des Fleurs
Ann Martin-Davis, piano
Maurice Ravel has been an enduring part of British pianist Ann Martin-Davis’ musical life and in the liner notes to her new collection of his piano music, she relates an anecdote which gave her a particularly special connection to the
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A Zoom Opera
“It truly is a show that is utterly current and one where you want to know what happens next.” Over the weekend, the Janiec Opera at the Brevard Music Center did an experiment in producing opera in a new format:
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“32 Masterpieces” – Complete Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Jonathan Biss, Piano
the intensity of my current immersion with his music has become one of the most profound experiences of my life.Jonathan Biss For American pianist Jonathan Biss, Beethoven has been a near-constant companion for almost his entire life. He has been
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A Remarkable, Bittersweet Return to Live Music at London’s Wigmore Hall
Wigmore Hall BBC Radio 3 Special Broadcasts SeriesStephen Hough: JS Bach & Schumann Rarely has a live concert series been so eagerly anticipated. Twenty lunchtime recitals at London’s pre-eminent chamber music venue featuring such luminaries of the classical music world
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The Place Where God Resides: Danielpour’s The Passion of Yeshua
The problem with Passion oratorios is that so many of them were written not from a sense of awe, but a sense of getting back at the bad guys. Many of the usual Passion texts have an anti-Semitic flavour that
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Review on Berlin Phil’s Online Concert
Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, the Philharmonie Berlin has been closed down till April to curb the spread of virus; yet the orchestra decided to give the concert conducted by Sir Simon Rattle as planned without real audience, with
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Die Ägyptische Helena
Richard Strauss (1864 –1949) was the major German opera composer of the late 19th to the mid-20th century. His life and music were controversial during his lifetime and remained so after his death. One can argue about his music, his
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