
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker
10 Composers with Real Jobs
Very few people are actually born to become composers, and composers frequently struggle financially in society. In fact, the starving artist was a popular trope in the late 18th and 19th centuries. It was suggested that artists lived in poverty
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Mythical Creatures: The Minotaur
The illicit child of Pasiphaë, wife of King Minos of Crete, and a snow-white bull intended for sacrifice to Poseidon, the Minotaur, half-man half-bull, actually had the given name of Asterius (star). He was ungovernable, so Minos created a labyrinth
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Saxophone in Classical Music
Twenty Pieces Spotlighting Its Astonishing Range
The saxophone is a relatively young instrument in the world of classical music. (It was originally invented in 1846.) But its unique sound and versatility have captured the hearts of composers and audiences alike. Today we’re spotlighting twenty essential pieces
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10 Greatest Musical Hoaxes and Pranks
A musical hoax is sometimes described as a musical forgery or mystification. It basically refers to a work of music composed by an individual and intentionally misattributed to someone else. Most frequently, such music hoaxes are attributed to historical figures
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10 Fun and Exciting Clarinet Sonatas From the 20th Century
The 20th century really fell in love with the clarinet. I always get goosebumps listening to the opening of Gershwin’s Rhapsody in Blue, with the clarinet sounding the delicious penetrating low trill followed by that long glissando. The technical demands
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Mythical Creatures: Unicorns
The concept of a unicorn has re-entered modern conversation, but instead of referring to an animal with a single horn (uni-corn), it now means ‘a person or thing that is rare or highly valued’ or ‘a privately-owned startup company worth
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Replacing the Tango: The Furlana (The Forlane)
In religious Italy in the early 20th century, the newly imported tango was judged to be just too salacious. In 1914, just on the cusp of WWI, Pope Pius X asked for a private demonstration of the new dance craze
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13 Pieces of Classical Vocal Music for Halloween
To celebrate Halloween, we’re taking a look at spooky classical music written especially for the human voice. From cackling witches to scheming sorceresses to doomed doppelgangers to unscrupulous psychics, we’re about to meet all kinds of sinister, spine-chilling characters, and
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