
Guitar 101: Explore the Essential Classical Music Repertoire
The guitar is one of the most, if not the most, famous musical instrument in the world. It is used in all nations, in one form or the other — acoustic, electric, nylon, or steel strings, through different shapes and
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Chamber Music
The 10 Most Beautiful Piano Trios
I have never really played in a chamber music group, but if I had the chance, I would probably try to find a piano trio. It is not only one of the most popular ensembles in chamber music, but it
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Music for Sleeping:
12 Pieces You Should Know
A few weeks ago, a good friend of mine invited me to play some lullabies for her baby shower. She collected lullabies from different parts of the world and transcribed them for guitar, piano, and violin. I am very much
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Famous Classical Music Pieces
I read that popular culture in the 1960s and 70 reveled in the “Age of Aquarius,” but in the 2020s we are clearly in the “Age of Superlatives.” Everybody seems bent on breaking records in every field of human endeavor.
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Piano Repertoire
Ludwig van Beethoven
It has never been a big secret, but the piano is definitely my favorite instrument. For me, no other instrument possesses that kind of versatility. Actually it’s ideal as a means of musical expression for both the amateur and the
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Valentine’s Day Proposal
Will You Marry Me?
Who said romance was dead? Well, clearly it hasn’t died but simply been updated in the Instagram era. Many of my friends find it very romantic for their partner to tag them in a photo in Instagram or Facebook. They
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Valentine’s Day 2022
“You Say It Best When You Say Nothing at All”
I have never been that interested in American country music, because I naively connected it with bar fights, drinking whisky and plenty of flag waving. To be sure, it has nothing to do with the music or the lyrics, but
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Musical River Journeys
We had such exciting plans for the summer of 2021. Together with some of my best friends, we decided to take part in a musical river cruise. We had always heard that gliding along the world’s most exciting waterways was
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