
3101 Posts
The Day After the Concert…
I don’t perform that frequently – maybe four or five times a year (excluding informal performances and “house concerts” at home) – but I understand the “process” of performing and the necessary and special preparation which goes into a public
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Stingy Olympic Judges
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, was raised and educated in the classical tradition. “He was particularly impressed with the idea of what it meant to be a true Olympian, someone who was not only athletic,
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Forgotten Pianists: Ignaz Friedman
The Polish pianist Ignaz Friedman (1882-1948) was considered not just the one of the top but one of the supreme piano virtuosos of his time. As were so many of his contemporaries, he was a child prodigy and he left
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Music Icons of Minnesota: Prince and Paulus
Nestled in the middle of the country, the state of Minnesota conjures bitterly cold temperatures and towers of snow; hooded parkas and polar snow boots. But the icy squalls generate a spawning ground for artists. Hailing from Minnesota are authors
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Knowing the Score
Pange lingua (Alice Halstead, soprano; Clare College Choir, Cambridge; Graham Ross, cond.) A recent article in The Guardian which asserts that musical notation (i.e. the dots, lines, squiggles and marks on a written or printed page) is “a cryptic, tricky
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Second Time Around
Repeats in Schubert’s last piano sonata
Whether or not to meticulously observe the exposition repeat in Schubert’s final piano sonata No, 21 in B-flat major, D960, is a question which continues to trouble pianists, musicologists and listeners alike. The debate concerns aspects such as authenticity, personal
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Forgotten Pianists: Theodor Leschetizky
Theodor Leschetizky (1830 –1915) is a pianist who crosses wide musical and time scales. His father was a talented pianist and teacher; after his first lessons with his father, he was taken to Vienna to study with Carl Czerny. At
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Live life! It’s good for you and your music
I fell in love with the city of Vienna during my first visit in 2015, and that affection was sealed on my second visit in Spring 2016. At the risk of sounding bossy, if you are a musician you have
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