
255 Posts
The Immersive Choir
An Interview with Paul Smith of VOCES8
For his first album as a composer and solo artist, Paul Smith, co-founder with his brother of the a capella group VOCES8, brought together VOCES8, his other group Apollo5, and 2,500 more singers. Simple. Not so simple. The 2,500 singers
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Maestro Vänskä’s Finnish Adventure
Here is an conversation with Osmo Vänskä prior to his 2019 performances with the Hong Kong Philharmonic.
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A Pianist of the Golden Era: Nelly Akopian-Tamarina
Born in Moscow, the Russian pianist Nelly Akopian-Tamarina carries on an illustrious line of Russian Romanticism going back to Anton Rubinstein and Franz Liszt. A connoisseurs’ artist, she excels in repertory for which she has received the highest international recognition.
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Jian Wang @ 50
“Music is only alive when you understand humanity, which is the real source of it.” Jian Wang – February 5th, 2019
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Interview with Pianist Yoonie Han
Who or what inspired you to pursue a career in music? My parents inspired and encouraged me. They are not musicians, but they love romantic piano music. I grew up listening to Chopin and Liszt on the radio at home.
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Why Solo Cellist Li-Wei Qin is Partial to Russian Music?
Cellist Li-Wei Qin has just released a recording on Naxos, of Russian Cello Concertos including Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations, and not well-known but lovely works—Rimsky-Korsakov’s Serenade, Glazunov’s Concerto Ballata, and other short pieces. Born in Shanghai, his early music training was
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Music in Baroque Spain
An Interview With Rupert Damerell of Quondam
Spanish composers didn’t have what other European countries had: a central court. They did have the Holy Roman Emperor, in the form of Charles V and later, his son, Philip II, but those rulers preferred to hire musicians from the
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“My Experiences as a Cellist are Central to Everything I Do” – Interview with Joy Lisney
British cellist Joy Lisney is one of the most exciting string players to emerge in recent years and the model of a modern musician with a strong advocacy for contemporary music. Yet in her varied musical activities she also harks
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