Behind the scenes

134 Posts
Behind the Curtain
The BBC Music Prank
“Piotr Zak, who is of Polish extraction but lives in Germany, was born in 1939. His earliest works are conservative, but he has recently come under the influence of Stockhausen and John Cage. This work for tape and percussion was
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Happy 90th birthday Lollo!
The actor Humphrey Bogart described her as “the girl that makes Marilyn Monroe look like Shirley Temple,” and the photographer Philippe Halsman unabashedly claimed “she had the finest figure among all the actresses I have known.” Dubbed “the most beautiful
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Behind the Curtain
The Great Piano Scam
She was described in the most glorious terms as “the greatest living pianist that almost no one has ever heard of.” Joyce Hatto came to prominence a couple of years before her death, with her real talent only discovered when
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The Kreisler Scandal
In the early part of the 20th century, Fritz Kreisler was considered one of the leading violinists of his time. Extraordinarily talented, he started his musical studies at age 4, and was admitted to the Vienna conservatory at age 7.
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The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Cello Wizardry2 : Leonard Rose and Yo-Yo Ma
Leonard Rose (1918-1984) was one of the greatest cellists of all time! He was a cellist’s cellist who is still considered the ultimate model of lush and gorgeous cello playing. Rose excelled in every aspect of his musical craft and
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Lenny Longfingers
Imagine going into a library in a foreign country and stumbling over a rare and mysterious book that endlessly fuels your imagination. Day after day you return to the reading room and try to decipher, understand and interpret what is
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The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Mozart’s English Gentleman Student
Teaching was part of Mozart’s life-style, and we have reports that it was not uncommon for him to offer instruction while playing billiards or at the bowling alley. Vocal and instrumental instruction was not treated as an isolated phenomenon but
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Moonlighting as Orchestral Conductor
It’s relatively easy to moonlight as a burger flipper at your local fast food joint, or to deliver ready-made foods to hungry customers. But it gets somewhat more complicated when you supplement your income from regular employment by moonlighting as
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