
62 Posts
Jean-Guihen Queyras
‘The relationship with the moment’ A stint concerts of improvisation with the Iranian zarb quickly precedes an evening of Bach Cello Suites and Haydn Concerti – this does not phase cellist Jean-Guihen Queyras, who is one of those people who
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Germaine Tailleferre
“Perhaps women have always been in closer contact with reality than men” Germaine Tailleferre (1892-1983) was the sole female member of the intriguing group of young French composers eventually known as “Les Six.” Her association with “Les nouveaux jeunes” aside,
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Charles-Marie Widor
“A Vision of Eternity” Such was the enormous musical talent of Charles-Marie Widor (1844–1937) that he successfully competed for the job of organist at the lycée in his hometown of Lyons at the tender age of 11! Having received his
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Richard Galliano
Pioneering past and future Accordion legend Richard Galliano is appearing with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in June. We take a moment to talk about his creation of new styles, and respect for the past.
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Norma Nahoun
‘Don’t be afraid to go out there and sing’ Our conversation resumes after a brief lapse in signal. ‘The signal is terrible sometimes,’ she exclaims. ‘You’d think in a big city like Paris there’d be no problem, but sometimes it
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Léo Delibes
Let’s dance! The reputation of Léo Delibes (1836-1891) rests almost exclusively with his two 90-minute ballet scores Coppélia and Sylvia. For the first time in the history of music, Delibes had crafted ballet scores of symphonic proportions. Full of memorable
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Nicolas Dautricourt
Delving into the unknown I talk to Nicolas Dautricourt the evening before a performance he’s giving in New York, playing chamber works by Schoenberg, Brahms, and Haydn. Concerts such as these are the staple diet of a touring musician, but
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Julie Fuchs
‘Take care of yourself because nobody is going to do it for you’ Recently returning from her Paris Opéra debut, singing La Folie in Rameau’s Platée, and finding a moment of respite before a run of Il viaggio a Reims
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