
49 Posts
Joseph Moog
On taking risks and the piano’s limits Performing the ‘Mount Everest of piano pieces’ (Brahms’ mighty Second Piano Concerto) in Hong Kong this October, Joseph Moog talks with me about lesser-known composers, and how far the piano repertoire can be
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Behzod Abduraimov
Originally from Uzbekistan, pianist Behzod Abduraimov makes his second appearance with the Hong Kong Philharmonic this July, playing Prokofiev’s Third Concerto. ‘My first performance took place back in 2012 playing a recital and in January 2015 I had debuted with
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Richard Galliano
Pioneering past and future Accordion legend Richard Galliano is appearing with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong in June. We take a moment to talk about his creation of new styles, and respect for the past.
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Louis Schwizgebel
from Geneva to Hong Kong Appearing in this year’s Hong Kong Premiere Performances Recital Series, our Artist of the Month Louis Schwizgebel shares his thoughts ahead of his trip to Hong Kong about his already enviable career.
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Jean Rondeau
On Nature vs Nurture How do you manage to sustain a career as a harpsichordist and jazz pianist? For 23-year old Jean Rondeau it’s no problem. Equally at home on the concert stage in a chamber music recital of Rameau
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Francesco Piemontesi
Telling a personal story The small Italian town of Locarno plays host to the Settimane Musicali di Ascona each summer. At its head is internationally-renowned pianist Francesco Piemontesi, the recently-appointed Artistic Director of his home town’s music festival. ‘I’ve lived
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Cameron Carpenter
I watch his music video and am greeted with a jet black mohawk, sequinned top, and sparkly heels, flashily collaged in a rapid onslaught of fast-paced camera angles. Did I mention he’s an organist?
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Mahan Esfahani
‘You didn’t just wake up, did you?’ After many Facebook messages, negotiating times here and there to try and arrange a convenient time to talk, my phone finally buzzes unannounced on a Saturday morning, causing me to leap up and
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