
3102 Posts
Ten things to say to a classical music snob
Despite the best efforts of those of us within the profession, and many outside it too, classical music still suffers from an image problem. It is perceived by many as high-brow, exclusive and riven with snobbery, largely the result of
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Stop Start
During a conversation in a recent lesson with one of my students, she told me that her previous teacher would stop her every time she made a mistake and ask her to correct the error before continuing. She admitted to
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Scriabin’s Prometheus and his Religious & Artistic Beliefs
Alexander Scriabin (1872-1915) believed that art was separated from reality and existed as a pure form. Having deep faith in theosophy and perceiving himself as the Divine in the world, he was also influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche’s concept of Übermensch
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Forgotten Pianists: Jean-Claude Englebert
French pianist Jean-Claude Englebert (1923-2011) was born in Paris to a family of musicians. His father, Oscar, was a renowned violist and his mother, Suzanne, was a concert singer. He attended the Paris Conservatoire, taking the first prize in music
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10th Anniversary of Premiere Performances Hong Kong
Hardly a month goes by without yet another international music festival rolling down the shutters and closing its doors forever. Festival d’Ile-de-France, City of London Festival or Lugano, the message is always the same. “Despite new directions and initiatives, the
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How to Listen to Music You Haven’t Heard
Some years ago I read a fascinating book by French psychoanalyst and University of Paris literature professor Pierre Bayard, How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read, in which the author makes a very good case for freeing ourselves from
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Mozart’s favorite keyboard instrument (for a while)
Today I accidentally stumbled over another rarity from the vault of unusual and singular instruments! The instrument in question—variously called “Tangent piano” in English, “Tangentenflügel” in German, “cembalo angelico” in Italian, and “clavecin harmonieux et celeste” in French—sounds like a
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A Monument of Twentieth-Century Pianism:
Messiaen’s Vingt Regards sur l’enfant Jésus
Olivier Messiaen’s monumental and profound work Vingt Regards sur l’enfant Jésus (Twenty Gazes on the Infant Jesus) surely ranks amongst the “greats” of the piano repertoire, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with such titans as Bach’s Well-Tempered Clavier and Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas
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