What Does Your Favorite Beethoven Symphony Say About You?

Have you ever taken a Buzzfeed personality quiz? You know the kind I’m talking about. Which trending TV character are you? What cookie do you embody? What season are you, based on your bedroom design preferences?

Obviously, those personality quizzes are just for fun and can’t tell you anything serious about your inner self.

To do that, you have to take our quiz: What does your favourite Beethoven symphony say about you?

It may be unscientific and tongue-in-cheek, but maybe there’s a kernel of truth here.

Read on and find out:

Design graphic of Ludwig van Beethoven

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Symphony No. 1

  • You like getting home early. Your sock drawer is organized.
  • When you were little, you avoided coloring outside of the lines.
  • You’re intermittently ambitious, but when it counts, you chicken out from making any truly bold moves. The results are perfectly pleasant anyway.
  • You use one or two spices when cooking, but no more.
  • Your most favorite symphony of all time is probably one by Haydn, which…fair.

Symphony No. 2

  • You love liking obscure things. Also, I bet you collect vinyl.
  • You grew up listening to opera broadcasts.
  • You might have intestinal issues since out of all nine symphonies, you’re drawn to the one that has a finale purportedly inspired by Beethoven’s malfunctioning digestive system. (This is a real-life theory that has been bandied about, and it’s one of my favorite weird Beethoven facts.)

Symphony No. 3

  • You enjoy arguing.
  • If you were a leader – say, an emperor – you wouldn’t mind having your official portrait being an image of you heroically riding a rearing white horse. You’re also very interested in going to see Ridley Scott’s Napoleon when it hits theaters.
  • You like movies where characters dramatically scratch out writing or rip up their speeches.
  • Your funeral is going to be incredible…and also very, very long.

Symphony No. 4

  • You’re pretty insufferable, but also right more often than not, which makes you even more insufferable.
  • Your favorite character in A Midsummer Night’s Dream is Puck.
  • If you built your dream house, the architecture would be simple and elegant, with quirky and striking artwork meaningful to you inside.
  • You’re gruff on the outside but a huge softie on the inside.

Symphony No. 5

  • You’re well-known and well-liked by nearly everyone. The people who genuinely don’t like you are probably just unfeeling cranks.
  • Your favorite string instrument is the cello, and your favorite brass instrument is the trombone.
  • You’re the type to buy an expensive door knocker during your home renovation.
  • When you’re telling a story, everyone thinks you’re near the ending for multiple minutes before you finally get to the happy resolution. When you do finally get to that ending, everybody cheers.

Symphony No. 6

  • You’re colorful. You own a wide collection of scarves and boots and umbrellas. You love wearing makeup that matches the seasons.
  • You secretly like Philip Glass, but you’re just pretentious enough not to admit that out loud.
  • You’re the quirky friend whose mood is constantly changing. People wait to approach you at the right time.
  • When you drive in a rainstorm, you like driving through puddles. You also like car washes.

Symphony No. 7

  • You probably play an instrument or have a vocal range that is used as an inner voice. You like playing internal rhythms.
  • You’re not always a drama queen, but when you are, you make your drama big and cinematic.
  • You can be skittish and shy and introverted, but you also give good hugs to those you really love.
  • You can’t sit still, and you routinely make other people nervous by how you tap your feet.
  • Wagner would nickname you the “apotheosis of the dance” (whatever that means, exactly).

Symphony No. 8

  • Your wit is savage, your sarcasm is off the charts, and you regularly hurt people’s feelings with cutting jokes, but you’re also very funny.
  • You work from home. You value making your own structure.
  • You have edgier politics than most. To other people’s annoyance, you can back your opinions up with wide-ranging historical knowledge.
  • You’re the embodiment of the meme of the little girl smiling at the camera while a fire rages behind her.

Symphony No. 9

  • Either you sing, or you hate singers. You love making singers’ lives difficult.
  • You like thick novels and big biographies…the more in-depth, the better.
  • You post memes about peace and universal brotherhood on social media.
  • If you could get a tattoo big enough, you’d get one with the famous Bernstein quote on it: “This will be our reply to violence: to make music more intensely, more beautifully, more devotedly than ever before.”
  • You also love John Lennon’s Imagine unironically, unless you’re one of those elitist Beethoven fans who hates pop culture.
  • You find yourself at a lot of New Year’s concerts, and you’re not totally sure why.
  • Your art is never the same after you.

So there it is, folks: an extremely tongue-in-cheek guess at what your favorite Beethoven symphony says about you. How right were we?

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