
74 Posts
Putting Beethoven Into Our Time
An Interview With Maestro Johannes Vogel
To end the Beethoven year, there will be a performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony in Vienna. A simple enough statement but when you add in all the conditions: nothing live, social distancing, pandemic aware, then that statement becomes immensely complicated.
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The Self-Isolation Choir – ‘Christmas at Home’
For many around the world, choral music and Christmas go hand in hand, the sounds of choirs reverberating around magnificent churches where audiences flock to soak up the festive spirit. What, then, to do if pandemic restrictions put a halt
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Learning From the Video Experience
A Chat With the Savannah Voice Festival
When the close of the live performance season hit the musical world, many festivals and houses were forced to close. Wait out the pandemic. See what next year holds. But the Savannah VOICE Festival (SVF) looked at the situation as
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Gregory Kunde: Taking His Time to Triumph
Gregory Kunde shines in Giuseppe Verdi’s Otello at the Royal Opera House, a revival of the 2017 production (originally reviewed for Interlude). From the victorious opening exclamation “Esulatate!” (Rejoice!) that rings all the way up to the rafters, to the
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Creating the Beethoven Anniversary – An Interview With Nike Wagner
The year 2020 is going to be a Beethoven year without a doubt. Leading the international examination of the master’s works will be his native city of Bonn and the Beethovenfest Bonn 2020. Nike Wagner started leading the Beethovenfest Bonn
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Pure Beethoven – An Interview With Tabea Zimmermann
As we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth in 2020, for many of us it’s going to be all Beethoven, all the time. However, starting off the new year in a small way, the Beethoven-Haus Bonn, in their Chamber
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A Talk With Malte Boecker
2020 is a momentous year for all lovers of music as we celebrate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth. And to get us in the mood for this significant occasion, Interlude spoke with Malte Boecker, director of the Beethoven-Haus in
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Equal Sides of the Musical Triangle
David Ludwig about IC2019
When we last spoke with David Ludwig, he was about to head off for Hong Kong to participate in the 2019 Intimacy of Creativity – The Bright Sheng Partnership: Composers Meet Performers in Hong Kong (IC) festival held by the
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