
38 Posts
Music Through Words
Wunderkind by Nikolai Grozni
It is rare to find books written by someone who is both a trained writer and musician, but Wunderkind is a fine example of such a novel. Bulgarian writer Nikolai Grozni not only holds an MFA in creative writing from
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The Not-So-Grand “Grand Piano”
With a plot centred on a threat to a concert pianist – ‘Play one wrong note and you die’ – the film ‘Grand Piano’ sounded intriguing. The small but strong cast, starring Elijah Wood and John Cusack, made it seem
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The ECO Music Cruise
I went on my first ECO Music Cruise in 2007, and it was a most memorable experience. Travelling with a respected orchestra and exceptional musicians, enjoying two to three concerts a day over the course of seven days, sometimes even
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Scary Niu Niu
Niu Niu had his Wigmore Hall debut in 2006, when he was just nine years old. Introduced to the London public by pianist Leslie Howard and sponsored by David Tang of Shanghai Tang fame, Niu Niu received a taste of
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Plácido in China
I am in love with YouTube. I am not here to advertise for the website or extol its virtues, but I must say that without it, I wouldn’t have discovered many classical music clips, featuring great musicians and beautiful pieces
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Queen Elisabeth Musical Voyage and Venice
Queen Elisabeth Musical Voyage There’s an old saying that declares cruises are either for newlyweds or the nearly dead – I am of neither category, but yet I have always loved cruises. It isn’t a passion for the sea or
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