
Orchestral Foibles A-Z
A is for audition. Get used to it. You’ll have to. And accompaniment. That’s what you are—not the soloist! B is for Body odor. None appreciated— even the most expensive perfume. Onstage it’s a no-no. C is for Cough drops.
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Masterclass in the morning
Menahem Pressler at Wigmore Hall
As I stand waiting for the doors to open to the auditorium at Wigmore Hall, I take a moment to glance around the entrance. One of the first things I see, among images of Gerald Finley and Julian Bliss, and
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Dream Big!
When we are faced with important decisions in life it feels scary to take a leap and embrace change. When I was in my twenties, I didn’t anticipate that dreaming big and having lofty goals would result in my career
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An Alpine Symphony
Richard Strauss
Richard Strauss’ Alpine Symphony is seen as one of the peaks of his orchestral writing (oh dear, I’m on the puns already…). Lasting almost an hour, written for a huge orchestra, it follows the dramatic story of a journey up
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Maestro Skrowaczewski:
Seeking the Infinite and Sto Lat! (Happy Birthday)
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, or “Stan the Man” as we in Minnesota affectionately call him, has the distinction of being the oldest major conductor working today. He is also a Pulitzer Prize nominee for his highly regarded compositions. Recently the music communities
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György Sebők – Pianist, Artist, Alchemist
Have you ever had a teacher who was a great musician, mystic, mentor, statesman and alchemist all at once? Pianist, György Sebők was such a man. When I first met him at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in the late
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Revamping Classical Music’s Sex Appeal
Music has always been my companion. Just shy of 3 years old, I would sing along to pop songs broadcasted on the radio. By the time I grasped the basics of the piano, I would make up random tunes on
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The Special Meaning of Bach’s Solo Cello Suites
Without a doubt the six J.S. Bach Solo Cello Suites are a pinnacle to be reached for any cellist. Although I’ve performed them many times, there is one occasion that stands out more than any other. My father was also
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