
Playing the Beethoven Piano Sonatas
Frequently referred to as the ‘New Testament’ of piano music (Bach’s ‘Well-Tempered Clavier’ being the ‘Old Testament’), Beethoven’s 32 Piano Sonatas rank amongst the high Himalayan peaks of the pianist’s repertoire. The primary appeal of these pieces, aside from the
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Cellists
As with the great violinists, it is difficult to choose just ten great cellists. But as a cellist myself here are my heroes. Pablo Casals, born on December 29, 1876 in the Catalonian region of Spain, can be credited with
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Violinists
During the last century we have been blessed with many exceptional violinists. Ten violinists, musical giants of the 20th Century, truly changed the world of music. Bronislaw Huberman Legendary violinist Bronislaw Huberman was born in Poland in 1882. His extraordinary
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Serenity, Melancholy, and Tragic Intensity:
Mozart’s Rondo in A minor K511
I first heard this work live about ten years ago, at a concert given in London by the American pianist and noted Mozart scholar Robert Levin. Played on a fortepiano, whose relatively modest voice spoke so elegantly, from the opening
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Should certain repertoire be “off limits” to amateur pianists?
Occasionally I come across the suggestion from other professional musicians and even some teachers that certain repertoire is the exclusive preserve of the professionals and should be left well alone by “amateurs”. This includes the final piano sonatas of Beethoven
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Orchestra Conductors
They are among the most admired and revered, yet simultaneously most feared figures in classical music. And yes, you guessed correctly, I am talking about orchestra conductors! When we think of all the hugely talented and revolutionary conductors of the
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The Great Women Artists Who Shaped Music XX—Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge
If you are passionate about the chamber music of the twentieth century, chances are that the works are due to Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge (1864-1953) — one of the most notable patrons of our time. Without her vision we would not
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How You Should Feel in the Key of F minor
In our earlier series on C major and minor, G major and minor, and D major and minor, and A major and minor, E major and minor, B major and minor, F sharp major and minor, C sharp major and
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