
Why I Love My Instrument
My grandfather played the piano, mostly Methodist hymns and his favourite bits of Bach, Beethoven and Haydn. I suppose I was always aware of it and recall sitting next to him when he played when I was very small. It
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Forgotten Pianists: Morris Rosenthal
It’s always amazing how close the past can be. The Polish pianist Moriz Rosenthal (1862-1946) was one of the leading students of Franz Liszt, who we think of as the height of the Romantic era, and also saw some of
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Forgotten Pianists: Leopold Godowsky
Influential as a performer and teacher as well as a composer, the Polish pianist Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938) was given the nickname the “Buddah of the Piano.” A rarity at a time of great piano tuition, Godowsky was almost entirely self-taught.
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Classical Music Ensembles
Musicians have long known that playing or singing in an ensemble can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable musical experiences. The process of making music with friends or like-minded musicians provides the unique opportunity to discuss interpretative opinions,
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Cellos and Cellists Star IN the Movies
When I mention that I play the cello, people say, “The cello is my favorite instrument.” Hollywood has picked up on that sentiment. No longer merely the provider of soulful background music, although it is not yet an Oscar category,
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Forgotten Pianists: Grigory Ginzburg
Russian pianist Grigory Ginzburg (1904-1961) and his older brother were the first musicians in their family. His older brother had been studying piano and the young Grigory started by imitating him. At age six, his talent was recognized and in
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How Amateur Orchestral Players Can Perform At Their Best
As amateur orchestral musicians, we deal with a lot: constant self-doubt – the gnawing knowledge that we’ll never sound as good as the big boys – balancing learning our music with our full-time day jobs – extremely tiny paychecks (if
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Forgotten Pianists: Emil Gilels
Russian pianist Emil Gilels (1916-1985) was famous for his perfect pitch. He started his piano lessons at age 5 and a half, soon graduating to Clementi and Mozart sonatinas. He was matched by his sister Elizabeth Gilels (1919-2008), who made
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