
3102 Posts
Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Cellists
As with the great violinists, it is difficult to choose just ten great cellists. But as a cellist myself here are my heroes. Pablo Casals, born on December 29, 1876 in the Catalonian region of Spain, can be credited with
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Patriotism and Nationalism III: Italy and Spain
For many countries, their National Anthems are symbols of their place in the world. They may reflect many different aspects of a country, sometimes listing nature’s bountiful beauties, sometimes giving an encapsulated history of a country, or reflecting a particularly
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Accentuate the Positive: Music and Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) was created in California in the 1970s by Richard Bandler and John Grinder. The name makes a connection between the neurological processes (“neuro”), language (“linguistic”), and behavioural patterns learned through experience (“programming”) which can be altered or
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Patriotism and Nationalism II: US and Germany
For many countries, their National Anthems are symbols of their place in the world. They may reflect many different aspects of a country, sometimes listing nature’s bountiful beauties, sometimes giving an encapsulated history of a country, or reflecting a particularly
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Violinists
During the last century we have been blessed with many exceptional violinists. Ten violinists, musical giants of the 20th Century, truly changed the world of music. Bronislaw Huberman Legendary violinist Bronislaw Huberman was born in Poland in 1882. His extraordinary
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Patriotism and Nationalism I: France and the UK
For many countries, their National Anthems are symbols of their place in the world. They may reflect many different aspects of a country, sometimes listing nature’s bountiful beauties, sometimes giving an encapsulated history of a country, or reflecting a particularly
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Mannes School of Music
Part of the New School University, the Mannes School of Music resides in New York City, attracting students from all over the globe who dive headfirst into Manhattan and form part of one of the world’s most bustling cultural hubs.
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Serenity, Melancholy, and Tragic Intensity:
Mozart’s Rondo in A minor K511
I first heard this work live about ten years ago, at a concert given in London by the American pianist and noted Mozart scholar Robert Levin. Played on a fortepiano, whose relatively modest voice spoke so elegantly, from the opening
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