Bach Babies in Music
Regina Johanna Bach (1728-33)

The position of Kantor at the Thomasschule in Leipzig was one of the most esteemed musical positions in Germany. Bach’s duties were demanding and varied, and he was certainly the most important musician in town. In charge of music at the four principal Leipzig churches, Bach called upon his students at the Thomasschule—the boarding school attached to the church—to fulfill the musical demands made by the town council. He was in charge of about 50 or 60 students, which were divided into four choir classes to serve the four churches. Polyphonic music was required at the two main churches—St. Thomas and St. Nikolai—and monadic chants in St. Matthew and the St. Peter. The first choir consisted of the best 12 to 16 singers, and was directed by Bach himself. However, Bach gave daily vocal lessons to all his students and also provided instrumental instructions to his best pupils.

Johann Sebastian Bach: Ich habe meine Zuversicht, BWV 188

We know that Bach took great interest in the musical education of his own children, as did his second wife Anna Magdalena. Given his substantial professional duties, however, it must have been difficult for him to find sufficient time for his family. And all too frequently, his family life was overshadowed by tragedy. On 21 September 1728 the Bach family mourned the death of yet another child. Christian Gottlieb unexpectedly died at age 3 of unknown causes. And only a couple weeks later, Anna Magdalena gave birth to their daughter Regina Johanna Bach.

Bach Lodging in Leipzig

Bach Lodging in Leipzig

Imagine the unbelievable anxiety and sadness when their little daughter was not expected to survive for more than a couple of hours. The child was so weak that the parents did not even dare to bring her to the church for the baptism. Instead, they hastily arranged for a baptism at home, and Bach drafted his student Georg Schwanberg to stand in as the godfather. The child was baptised Regina Johanna on 10 October 1728. And on 17 October 1728 Bach fittingly first performed his Cantata “I have my faith,” BWV 188. To everybody’s surprise, Regina Johanna presently held on to life but nevertheless passed away just short of her 5th birthday in 1733.

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