October, 2015

43 Posts
Music and Art – Hommage à Bach
Many artists in the 19th and 20th centuries were inspired by the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, whose works had been re-discovered with Felix Mendelsohn’s performance of Bach’s ‘St. Matthew’s Passion’ in Berlin in 1829. For composers such as Richard
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Jimmy López
Lord of the Air: II. The Ascent From Jimmy López (2015) Released by Harmonia Mundi Jimmy López: Lord of the Air: II. The AscentFirmly rooted in the folklore of Peru. Award-winning composer Jimmy López (born 1978, Lima, Peru) is considered
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The East is Red
National Day of the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and Macao
Nations frequently define themselves on the basis of shared ethnicity. This includes ideas of a culture shared between members of the group—derived from previous generations—and usually a common language. Membership in the nation is hereditary, with the state deriving political
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