
3102 Posts
Dedication and passion: the inspiring world of the adult amateur pianist
Amateurs have nothing to lose by being musically true to themselves…… professionals are sometimes too intimidated to display their individuality– Daniel Martyn Lewis, concert pianist
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Forgotten Cellists: May Mukle
In 1909, May Mukle, one of the first female British cellists to achieve international acclaim, received rave reviews for her playing of the Viktor Herbert Concerto at the promenade concerts in London, “Her splendid command of technique and her complete
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Poulenc: Concert champêtre
Premiered Today in 1929
Francis Poulenc first met Wanda Landowska at a private performance of Falla’s El Retablo de Maese Pedro in June 1923. On that occasion, Landowska requested concertos from both composers, and Falla’s effort premiered on 5 November 1926 in Barcelona. Poulenc,
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Mozart: Le nozze di Figaro
Premiered Today in 1786
Empress Maria Theresa of Austria founded the “Burgtheater” in Vienna in 1741. In time, it became one of the most important German language theatres in the world, and it saw the premiere of three Mozart operas! On 1 May 1786,
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Berlioz: Te Deum
Premiered Today in 1855
On 30 April 1855, an ensemble of 950 performers piled into the Church of Saint-Eustache, in Paris. They were getting ready to finally premier a Berlioz work that had been specifically composed for the coronation of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte in
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Chilling With Chopin in the Tokyo Metro
Trying to catch a train at Tokyo’s Shinjuku Station during rush hours is not a pleasant task. As a main connecting hub for rail traffic throughout greater Tokyo, it handles an average of 3.64 million people per day! And that
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Schools of Influence
What is the Russian sound, or French style in piano playing? What differentiates a pianist who was taught in the English piano tradition from one who studied in Germany? The history of piano playing is built from a large network
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Forgotten Cellists: Bernard Greenhouse
The acclaimed Beaux Arts Trio toured worldwide for nearly five decades, but you may not know their founding member, the magnificent cellist Bernard Greenhouse. I first heard him play in a performance with the Bach Aria Group. His luscious sound
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