
3104 Posts
Notre Dame de Paris
The Birthplace of Modern Music
By now we have all seen the shocking images of the horrific fire engulfing Notre-Dame de Paris, the most famous Gothic Cathedral of the Middle Ages. For over 800 years, it has stood as an icon and symbol of Western
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“Heaven on Earth for Pianists”
Summer Piano Courses in France with James Lisney
The piano summer school is now an established part of the year for many adult amateur pianists, eagerly anticipated and prepared for with great care. Much more than a “piano holiday”, the piano summer school is an opportunity to study
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Classical Musicians & Jazz: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!
“Love and Marriage,” according to Frank Sinatra go “together like a horse and carriage.” I’ve been wondering if that’s also true about the relationship between classical musicians & Jazz? In musical terms, “genre” has decidedly become a dirty word. It
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The Fig and Classical Music
I’ve been trying to get my partner to like the fig. I strove to convince her of the pleasure, the beauty, the sheer sensual delight of the fig. But, she resists. I went on to tell her she didn’t know
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Four American Minimalists
Minimalism as a musical genre originated in the USA in the 1960s. It involves stripping music down to its bare essentials, to focus on pure sonic power, pulse and the internal processes of the music, without narrative or a defined
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The Musician’s Mentors
Mentor – an experienced and trusted adviser (Oxford English Dictionary) A mentor is not necessarily a teacher. The musician’s journey is a complex one, requiring many years of highly rigorous, focused training, and a consistent routine of work (practising) and
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The Alchemy of a Symphony Orchestra
What alchemy produces the unique sounds of a symphony orchestra? When approximately 100 musicians play together the resultant fusion reverberates into our souls.
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What’s in Music?
What sort of things go into making a piece of music? There are many ways to hear a composition. From a composer’s point of view, you could come up with a concept or idea about your piece. That could come
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