
3109 Posts
The Curious Pleasures of LPs
My son (22) amused me when he told me recently that one of the reasons why he liked LPs was “because of the crackles”. For someone who has grown up in the digital age, with almost unlimited access to superb-quality
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Democracy and Music
Looking at the history of music, it hasn’t always been the most democratic art form in the world. Religion and royalty held sway over music-making and music performance for a long time. Joseph Haydn had his employer, Prince Esterhazy. Beethoven
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On My Music Desk……
Ravel – Tombeau de Couperin
Popular in concert programmes and a staple of the pianist’s repertoire, Ravel’s Tombeau de Couperin is the last work he wrote for solo piano. It cleverly melds his sensibilities with a full appreciation of his Baroque antecedents, notably the brilliant
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Listen to the Best of Baroque Music This Christmas!
It’s going to be a very different Christmas this year. That stupid Corona virus is everywhere, and so many things we associate with the Christmas season won’t happen. There won’t be much mall shopping, meeting with friends, dining or partying,
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Reconverted Musicians
How Working in a Different Art Field Shaped These Composers’ Music Uniquely?
While some composers are famous for having previous non-musical careers — the most recent and famous example being Glass, who has been amongst others, a taxi driver, a mover and a plumber. However in many of these cases, the primary
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Challenging Technical Perfection
“my jump is not high enough, my twists are not perfect, I can’t place my leg behind my ear…..Sometimes there is such an obsession with the technique that this can kill your best impulses. Remember that communicating with a form
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Cancelling Classical Music
I have always thought that music was inclusive. If you didn’t like a certain type of music, it was because you didn’t like the style, not what its creator represented to you. But that was not always the case. For
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Pavel Kolesnikov at Wigmore Hall
26 October 2020: ‘The Tempest’ This concert will be live streamed on the Wigmore Hall website in HD, and all concerts in the Autumn Series will be available on demand for 30 days after the date of the concert. This
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