
3138 Posts
On This Day
16 January: Léo Delibes Died
Shortly before his 55th birthday, Léo Delibes collapsed and died at his home in Paris. He was buried in the Cimetière de Montmartre in Paris, and his legacy was secured with the ballet Coppélia and his operatic masterpiece Lakmé. The
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Alternative New Years Playlist
The New Year period is a rare occurrence where we take time to look both forwards and backwards. It is an opportunity to take stock of where we are, and many New Years, spent in the company of family and
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When Being a Principal Player is Nerve Wracking
Last year I wrote about what the associate principal cello does. As the person who held that position with the Minnesota Orchestra, I must admit, I often would ruminate that playing a concerto as soloist seemed easier than playing the
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On This Day
14 January: Fazıl Say Was Born
For pianist Fazıl Say, music is a path to social change, in his native Turkey and beyond. In a speech for the 38th Congress of the International Federation of Human Rights in Istanbul in 2013, he said, “I strongly believe
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A Musical Diet
It is often said that what one eats is what one is, or becomes. Indeed, food fuels the human body, and good, diverse, nutritious quality food is key to a strong and durable body. It is of course the provider
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On This Day
13 January: Juan Diego Flórez Was Born
Lady Luck smiled on Juan Diego Flórez in 1996. Cast in a small role in Rossini’s Ricciardo e Zoraide at the Rossini Opera Festival in Pesaro, the tenor engaged to sing the leading role of “Corradino” in Matilde di Shabran
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The Father of Piano: Muzio Clementi
If you are a pianist, you probably have heard of Clementi and played his six piano sonatinas, Op.36. Indeed, Clementi was one of the most influential classical keyboard composers in music history. I was introduced to his piano sonatas years
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On This Day
7 January: Janine Jansen Was Born
Born on 7 January 1978 in Soest in the Netherlands, Janine Jansen is described as “a charismatic violinist of tremendous versatility and breathtaking virtuosity.” She has also been called the “Queen of the download,” with downloads of her recordings going
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