
2 Posts
Composers in the Courtroom
Lully versus Guichard
Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632-1687) originally hailed from Florence, and he was essentially known as a cheeky street musician in his youth. His talents, musical and otherwise, were recognized, and he ended up as an Italian language tutor to Louis XIV’s cousin
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Lully: Bellérophon
Reine, vous savez qu’en ce jour… Céline Scheen, soprano (Philonoé) Ingrid Perruche, soprano (Sténobeé) Christophe Rousset, conductor Les Talens Lyriques, baroque orchestra Chamber Choir of Nemur From Lully: Bellérophon (2011) Released by Aparté Lully: Bellérophon: Reine, vous savez qu’en ce
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