
Music Under Quarantine
Lower Your Cortisol
“Music for a little while, shall all your cares beguile,” wrote the English playwright Nathaniel Lee at the end of the 17th century. As we all know, music has the power to lift your mood, combat depression, improve blood flow
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Chris’ 10 All-Time Favourite Music Pieces
Top 10 lists are hard, especially when your limitations are ‘the last four hundred or so years of classical music in any form’. But then again, they’re also quite fun and require a bit of thought, so here goes –
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Music Under Quarantine
A Dash of Flavor
Being stuck at home during this Coronavirus Pandemic is not all bad. For one, it is returning something the modern world has brutally stolen from us; time! We finally have enough time to leisurely read a book, watch a movie
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Music Under Quarantine
Love in Times of Coronavirus
With the coronavirus spreading across the world, we’ve had to dramatically change our daily lives. Closure of bars, restaurants, gyms, and theaters will slow the spread of the virus, but many of the primary avenues for meeting and engaging with
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Music Under Quarantine
Release Your Mojo
Don’t you just hate what this quarantine is doing to our feelings and our minds? Our thoughts are becoming like hungry vultures circling in ever-tighter spirals above the same depressing thoughts and disheartening feelings. It’s enough to drive you bonkers.
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How Well Do You Know Beethoven?
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Music Under Quarantine
Quickie Pick-Me-Ups
Sitting at home 24 hours a day is seriously getting on my nerves. And in turn, I get on the nerves of everybody else in the house. Just this morning, I barked at the dog! Instinctively we know that staying
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Doug’s 10 All-Time Favourite Music Pieces
A Moderated Compendium of Influences One of the most laborious tasks for an artist; listing, comparing and rating other artists or their works. Deciding which to prefer and which to reject, which is more important and which is less. There
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