
3097 Posts
Mariko from ACT4
I spent the busiest days in April, since we had 4 big events in this month. On April, 10th, there was the festival called “Ryukyu Kaiensai” in Okinawa. The main event was the fireworks on the Gino-wan, the western shore
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Air, Please!
When bass vocalist Alexei Tanovitsky visited Hong Kong to perform Wagner’s Die Walküre, he was heard coughing and choking onstage. Similarly, following his concert in Hong Kong, Tom Jones was forced to cancel the remainder of his Asian tour due to
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Thank you, E15!
E15 is the name that has been given to the Icelandic volcano, Eyjafjallajökull, by journalists who were struggling to pronounce the full name properly. The nickname is derived from the somewhat daunting number of letters that come after the E.
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No Passions in Hong Kong
I became a Bach fanatic in the late seventies when I discovered Glenn Gould, though I came to appreciate Bach’s choral music at a much later stage, first with the Cantatas, then the Mass in B Minor and lastly, the
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The Sevens
No, I did not go to the Hong Kong Stadium, decked out in fancy dress, shouting and singing, flag in my left hand, can of beer in my right. In fact, I was sitting in front of my computer, trying
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Harold Moores Records
I met my dear friend Guy in the early ’80s in Paris. We were young, innocent (at the very least, I was), fearless and full of foolish dreams… and then I moved to Hong Kong. Over the past 20 years,
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My Other Music
I always exercise to music, and Anthony, my better half,  kindly took the time to transfer all my music (yes, all) to my computer, so here I am every morning, stretching to Chopin’s nocturnes, weight-lifting to Vivaldi’s Sacred Music, or
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Thank you for your feedback
After a prolonged gestation, Interlude was finally launched on Wednesday, January 6th, 2010. This is actually the day that I started sending out my first announcement emails.   First, I want to thank all those of you who gave me
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