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Anson Yeung

Born in Hong Kong, Anson is currently studying medicine at the University of Hong Kong. A holder of Licentiate of Trinity College London in Piano Performance with Distinction, Anson plays the piano, organ and double bass and has an eclectic range of interests in classical music, ranging from Baroque to contemporary music. Since the age of 14, he has been writing reviews and articles for Interlude and the International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong). He has also been invited to review newly released albums for RTHK Radio 4’s Music Insider.

Music has been an inseparable part of his life and a treasure that he will always cherish. Anson is pleased to be a contributor of Interlude, to share his love for music and to explore the endless possibilities of music.

Contributed Posts
May 29, 2015 Mozart & Shostakovich
A Review by Yeung Man Lok Anson