A good many people around the world are probably overjoyed that the Year of the Rat is quickly coming to an end. 2020 was a difficult year all around, but luckily we can look forward to the Year of the Metal Ox. The second of the zodiac animals, the Ox was tricked by the Rat into giving him a ride. As such, according to the myth surrounding the Jade Emperor, the Ox came in second. This wonderful story also tells us something about the personality of the Ox. According to astrologers, “the Ox is grounded, loyal, gentle and trustworthy. They are hard workers in the background, intelligent and reliable, but they never demand praise.” Due to its role in agriculture the Ox is a highly valued animal in Chinese culture, and many positive characteristics are attributed to it. It is hardly surprising that the metal Ox 2021 is associated with yin, representing stability.
Considered an animal of strength, the Ox is associated with harvests and fertility. As such, 2021 is going to be a year when work will get rewarded, and when all relationship problems get solved with discipline. According to astrologers, “2021 is going to be a year when Oxen feel the full weight of responsibility, and a year when they will double their efforts to accomplish their goals.” How fortunate that those individuals born in the years of the Ox rarely lose their temper, and that they think logically and make great leaders. They are reliable, fair, calm, patient, methodical and can be trusted. Serious, quiet but not naturally sociable, they do inspire confidence in others and Ox people have, according to all accounts, “a great deal of common sense.” And here is the good news. Astrologers think that the Year of the Metal Ox 2021 “will be a favorable year for economic recovery and consolidation, and that no explosive or catastrophic events will occur.”
Chiayu Hsu: 12 Signs – No. 2. Ox (Che-Hung Chen, viola)
According to experts, men born in the Year of the Ox are reliable and trustworthy, and they feel great responsibility towards their families. They can come across as arrogant, and really hate it when anyone goes against their rules. It seems that they have high expectation for all children, even though this might prove unrealistic. The Ox woman, meanwhile, is gentle and calm. Able to think on her feet and react quickly to changing situations, she “will nevertheless walk down the chosen road until the end.” Ox men and Ox women are said to have bad communication skills. They simply aren’t very good in communicating with others, and occasionally think “it not worthwhile to exchange ideas with others.” That said, the best love matches for the Ox are Rat, Monkey, and Rooster. While Rabbit, Snake and Dog are complementary signs, the Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Goat are the worst matched zodiac signs for the Ox.
Erik Satie: The Angora Ox (piano version) (Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano)
People born in the Year of the Ox are honest, diligent, patient, and cautious but they can be stubborn and prone to procrastination. It is important that they hold onto their savings this year and stay away from risky investments. Oxen should avoid all unhealthy habits and commit to a regular workout routine. If searching for a life partner, there is a good chance that they will find someone in 2021 for a long-term and committed relationship. If you play the lottery, your luck numbers will be 8 and 9, and lucky colours include blue, yellow and green. Whatever you do, avoid the numbers 3 and 6, and the colours red and brown.
Yi Chen: Chinese Ancient Dances – I. Ox Tail Dance (Keith Lipson, clarinet; Michelle Yip, piano)

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Without doubt, health will once again take center stage in 2021. People born in the Year of the Ox generally have an iron health, but they better watch out for depressive tendencies and make sure to undergo regular medical checkups. Health areas of concern might emerge from the respiratory system, the throat and the stomach. The best health advice for Oxen in 2021, is to control their tendency to overeat. And above all, bring along an Ox keychain for health, money, family, and career, protection against accidents and theft, and especially negative energies. In the event, we sincerely wish you a healthy and prosperous Gong Hei Fat Choy!
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