Joel Prieto
Credit: Simon Pauly
It’s a role he’s done before, and this production is the ‘silent film’ styled one created by Barrie Kosky and the British 1927 group for Komische Opera Berlin. It’s done with barely moving actors against a stage-filling screen where they have to coordinate their actions with the film playing on the screen around them. Mr. Prieto spoke of the difficulty in getting through rehearsals. As can be seen from the opening scene, with Tamino’s first aria ‘Zu Hilfe’ – his running legs are film, while his upper body motion is all his own.

Magic Flute
We spoke about his relationship with Mozart and he admitted that, according to his mother, he loved Mozart even in the womb – she was attending a film of The Magic Flute while pregnant and he was enthusiastic enough to make her think she had to leave the movie theatre. He could recognize Mozart’s music at age 2 and now, as a grownup, he’s sung in Don Giovanni (Don Ottavio), Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Belmonte), and now Die Zauberflöte (Prince Tamino).
We talked about the characters and agreed that Don Ottavio is the boring foil to the exciting Don Giovanni. He spoke about a Salzburg production by Claus Guth which was innovative in making Don Ottavio an accountant – at last he had a role in life that was more than just waiting around for Donna Anna (although in that production she kills herself at the end – the final ensemble was not performed). In Belmonte and Tamino, he has a more substantial character that he can bring something to.
Mozart: Così fan tutti: Un aura amorosa
(Joel Prieto, tenor; Freiburger Barockorchester,)

Joel Pireto as Belmonte in Die Entführung aus dem Serail
Credit: Jochen Quast
Semperoper Dresden
We talked about what he’s learned over the past 11 years and he said the most important thing is not tie yourself up in knots comparing yourself with everyone else – each career is different and you must make your own independent journey.
Mozart isn’t his only repertoire, however. Future operas include Les Troyens (Iopas) in Dresden and Street Scene (Joe Kaplan) in Madrid. It’s a busy summer ahead for this rising tenor – keep an eye out for him at your local house!
The Magic Flute will be pefromed on the 21st and 23rd July at the Tianqiao Performing Arts Center in Beijing.