
3137 Posts
Maurice Ravel’s Trois Chansons
At the time of his death on 28 December 1937, Maurice Ravel was the most celebrated composer in France. For a number of scholars, however, the significance of his music and the nature of his artistic legacy remained elusive. And
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Bringing Hope
Xia Guan’s Hope
Composed in 1999, the second symphony by Chinese composer Xia Guan (b. 1957) carries the title of Hope. Guan sees hope as the ‘driving force in life’ and believes that without hope, he couldn’t even imagine what life would be
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Five Pieces of Musical Advice from the Great Pianists
The world of classical music has been graced by a wide variety of truly legendary pianists. In addition to the example set by their astonishing playing, these giants have often shared insights about their art in interviews or in articles,
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The first modern experience many people had with drought was the American Dust Bowl of the 1930s. Decades of poor land management and the destruction of the topsoil meant that the fertile land just blew away in the wind. The
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Playing the Part
“…part of an actor’s task is to make the audience forget that they know the plot of a drama and surprise them with each event. The same applies in music: we have to play each piece as if it were
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5 Magnificent Choruses
Bach’s Christmas Oratorio
Countless scholars, performers, and conductors have asked the almost impossible question of how Bach’s music sounded when it was performed for the first time. This question really caused a great stir some decades ago with Joshua Rifkin suggesting that what
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A 14th-Century Carol of Approaching Death
Coventry Carol
Not all carols celebrate the birth of Jesus; some commemorate the other actions that resulted from the news of that birth. Starting in the 14th century, the English city of Coventry held annual mystery plays where stories from the Bible
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Seven of the Most Famous Classical Music Concerts of All Time
The history of classical music stretches back hundreds of years. During that time, millions of concerts have been given and attended in every country of the world. Certain performances out of those millions have stood out as being particularly important,
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