
3099 Posts
Pimp my Schimmel
Apparently, it is rather common practice to take the most expensive cars straight from the factory to a tuning shop. These specialists outfits tweak engines to produce the raw horsepower of the space shuttle and attach all manner of exterior
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Famous Musical Siblings
Musical Dynasties Part II
Talent certainly runs in the family. Celebrity brothers and sisters are everywhere. Take for example Casey and Ben Affleck, actors, Venus and Serena Williams, tennis players, or Alec and Evelyn Waugh, authors of Island in The Sun and Brideshead Revisited
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‘It’s not that weird – honest!’
The How and Why of The Hermes Experiment
‘So, I’ve got a rehearsal later.’ ‘What for?’ ‘Hermes.’ ‘What’s that?’ ‘The Hermes Experiment. It’s a quartet – harp, double bass, clarinet, and soprano.’
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Hino Nacional Brasileiro
Hino Nacional do Brasil (National Anthem of Brazil) FIFA limits the songs to only 90 seconds in order to get the games up and going, but most national anthems are longer than that; the Hino Nacional Brasileiro is no exception.
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Reach Out, Freak Out?
There’s a storm brewing in classical music. The quandary: #1 how far are we willing to go to achieve reaching out? Can we pursue change without freaking out our musicians and loyal concert attendees? #2 how do we remedy the
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Conservatoire de Paris
The prestigious Conservatoire de Paris is the next stop on our Music College world tour. Alexandre Pansard-Ricordeau, the director of communications, talks to me about the strong links this conservatoire has with both the musical life of France, and further
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FAIL! – Onstage kind!
Before we enter that hallowed space—the concert stage— there are the ritual last minute precautions—men: fly zipped, check; women: hooks and buttons fastened especially in the front, check; string players: extra strings, check; oboe and bassoon players: good reeds soaking
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From TV to the stage with Owen Wingrave
Britten: Owen Wingrave, Op. 85 A TV opera? Yep, it happened… Back in 1971 to be precise, when Benjamin Britten wrote Owen Wingrave for the BBC. The opera was taken from TV-land and given a live revival this summer, to
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