
3101 Posts
Forgotten Pianists: Ignace Tiegerman
Driven from Europe not by politics but by his health, the Polish pianist Ignace Tiegerman (1893-1968) moved to Cairo in 1931 to help his asthma. He became the centre of piano education in Cairo for the next thirty years.
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Operatic Disasters II
One of the biggest dangers to the wellbeing of operatic theatres throughout history has been fire! As one critic rightly said, “Scenery, stucco, seats and curtains were all highly inflammable. Add to those the wooden structure of the building and
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Sounds of Silence: thoughts on John Cage’s 4’33”
The other day I was talking about John Cage’s infamous work 4’33” with one of my students, while giving the student an overview of music history. When we got to 20th century music, it was the student, not me, who
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Forgotten Pianists: Arthur De Greef
Belgian composer and pianist Arthur De Greef (1862-1940) was a child prodigy, winning his first piano competiion at age 11, even if it was only a local one. This led him to the Brussels Conservatory where he continued in the
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Beethoven in China: The Beginnings
The Chinese Buddhist monk Li Shutong—also known by a variety of other names—was a master painter, dramatist, calligrapher, poet, and musician. Born in Tianjin and educated in Shanghai, he went to Japan in 1905 and studied at the Tokyo School
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Musical Giants of the 20th Century: Oboists
One of the most influential oboists of the twentieth century was Marcel Tabuteau (1887-1966), originally from France, but settling in the USA in 1907, where he became a citizen in 1912. After studying at the Paris Conservatoire, Tabuteau became principal
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Operatic Disasters I
We all remember that horrible night in 1996, when the Venetian opera house “La Fenice” was destroyed and gutted by fire. What at first looked like an innocent accident soon turned out to be a mindless case of arson! Enrico
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Forgotten Pianists: José Iturbi
One of our few ‘Forgotten Pianists’ to have both a screen and stage career, Spanish conductor and pianist José Iturbi (1895-1980) had an international career from Spain to Paris, to Mexico and then Hollywood.
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