
255 Posts
An Interview With Mezzo-Soprano Coline Dutilleul: The Play of Light and Shadow
The album Licht in der Nacht by mezzo-soprano Coline Dutilleul and American pianist Kunal Lahiry is described as being ‘from the roots of modern music (1896–1914)’. It starts with French Impressionism and ends with German Expressionism (and the start of
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Romanticism and Modernism: An Interview With Violinist Madeleine Mitchell
We spoke with violinist and Royal College of Music professor Madeleine Mitchell recently about two very interesting films she’s just made. The first was created in relation to an exhibition at the V&A museum in London and the other is
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The Force of Internal Fire: An Interview With Işıl Bengi
In her latest album of piano music, pianist Işıl Bengi confronts the dark side of the recent COVID lockdowns. She writes in her programme notes: ‘I felt a lot of anger, disappointment, despair, doubts… To feel crushed in front of
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Interview With Pianist Tal Walker
“Study as much repertoire as you can and then find the pieces that you feel most passionate about” To coincide with the release of his debut album, we caught up with Israeli-Belgian pianist Tal Walker who shares his influences and
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Brianna Matzke: a Champion of New Music
Dr. Brianna Matzke is a pianist, educator, collaborator, producer, as well as an advocate of new music. Matzke, who grew up in a small-town Minnesota, was famously known as the “piano girl” playing for major occasions around town. Fast forward,
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The Unsung Hero of Music Making
Collaborative Pianist: An Interview With Leona Cheung
For this month, I would like to shift your focus towards one of the unsung heroes of music making that are vital in concerts — collaborative pianists. As a Boston-based professional collaborative pianist, Leona Cheung is an acclaimed musician who
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Learning from the Master: An Interview With Roger Nichols
One of the most wonderful experiences in the world is to sit with the master of a subject and listen to their discourse. That’s what our recent conversation with Roger Nichols was like. This master of French music has made
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Frances Wilson in Conversation With Maxim Vengerov
“I’m the lucky one, who can bring the music alive – and this is the greatest joy” I’ve admired world-renowned violinist Maxim Vengerov ever since I first heard him at the Proms in 1999, when he played a fabulous, varied
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