London: Frost Fair in 1608 when the Thames froze over.
For an even more frozen version, sung by Klaus Nomi

Koyosan temple bell
abuse | discord | hatred | laziness | sadism |
aggression | disrespect | haughtiness | lecherousness | sarcasm |
ambition | disrespectfulness | high-handedness | lying | seducement |
anger | dissatisfaction | hostility | malignancy | self-denial |
arrogance | dogmatism | humiliation | manipulation | self-hatred |
baseness | dominance | hurt | masochism | sexual lust |
blasphemy | eagerness for power | hypocrisy | mercilessness | shamelessness |
calculation | effrontery | ignorance | negativity | stinginess |
callousness | egoism | imperiousness | obsession | stubbornness |
capriciousness | enviousness | imposture | obstinacy | torment |
censoriousness | envy | impudence | oppression | tyranny |
conceitedness | excessiveness | inattentiveness | ostentatiousness | unkindness |
contempt | faithlessness | indifference | pessimism | unruliness |
cruelty | falseness | ingratitude | prejudice | unyielding |
cursing | furtiveness | insatiability | presumption | vanity |
debasement | gambling | insidiousness | pretence | vindictiveness |
deceit | garrulity | intolerance | pride | violence |
deception | gluttony | intransigence | prodigality | violent temper |
delusion | greed | irresponsibility | quarrelsomeness | voluptuousness |
derision | greed for money | jealousy | rage | wrath |
desire for fame | grudge | know-it-all | rapacity |
dipsomania | hard-heartedness | lack of comprehension | ridicule |

Yasuaki Shimizu
Modernized by Japanese Pop artist Yasuaki Shimizu, Purcell’s Cold Song takes up yet another list of the 108 Desires, now updated.
food | sex | sleep |
money | health | flow |
speed | love | nurse |
peace | hair | clothes |
dreams | space | fate |
trouble | home | flower |
push | murder | breeze |
water | curves | tan |
alone | mirror | truth |
mother | risk | fall |
shock | colour | caress |
hands |
good |
nasty | heat | please |
wit | whims | sperm |
just | you | fool |
empty | laughs | skin |
different | smell | third eye |
hunt | time | fight |
sacrifice | nicotine | youth |
sane | lies | blue |
info | clear | noise |
reason | teasing | honesty |
hard | soft | beauty |
danger | touch | death |
stable | blood | air |
perfect | night | inspiration |
poison | move | change |
power | fluent | break |
pain | body | fame |
hear me | free me | eat me |
kill me | give me | form me |
game me | heaven | cold |
jealous | release | subtle |
nature | shelter | energy |
flavour | control | dirt |
street | scream | ideas |
to hell |
The problem, of course, is that Shimizu’s list of nouns and verbs aren’t the desires to be avoided of the Buddhists, but rather the things of life itself: air – health – smell – touch and so on. It’s an interesting combination, though, of Western music and eastern culture.