
3099 Posts
Which musical instrument is a good fit for your child?
Nowadays, children are expected to start all sorts of extra-curricular activities even before they can utter ‘ma-ma’ and ‘da-da’. If you haven’t got your act together yet, fret not. Here is a guide to helping you choose the right instrument
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Nature’s Song
Mozart’s Divertimento K522 (also nicknamed ‘A Musical Joke’) is said to be inspired from his pet bird, a starling. The awkwardness of the piece is said to mimic the way starlings whistle off-key. Likewise, Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony incorporates the song
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Come Holy Spirit!
Music for Pentecost
50 days after the Resurrection of Christ, the Holy Ghost descended upon the Apostles. The biblical narrative states, “And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they
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Music Therapy II
Following my introduction to music therapy, I wanted a bit more detail, about what goes on in a typical session. I also wanted to figure out how people found their way to a music therapist – not literally, of course,
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Hearing a New Sound
Often, it’s an unending bad succession of indifferent performances that will make you move music from ‘love to listen to’ over to the ‘never again’ list. Or, it’s the overuse of a work that makes you not want to listen
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Antonio Stradivari
Modern Violin Beats Stradivarius in a Blind Test
The scholarly paper “Player preferences among new and old violins,” published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in January 2012, shook the foundations of one of the longest held beliefs in Classical music. In this study, judges
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Introduction to Music Therapy
The topic of music therapy is, to put it gently, mind boggling. When I began to undertake a couple of articles on music therapy, I thought… I didn’t know what to think, actually. Music therapy was always one of those
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A day in the life of Perugia… Part II
Music Fest Perugia
After having talked with the Artistic and Executive Directors of Music Fest Perugia, Ilana Vered and Peter Hermes, I decided to see how the festival fared in the eyes of some of its young participants. Nathan Lee and Vanessa Haynes,
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