
3097 Posts
20th Century Studies – Is Serialism Serially Dull?
Love it or loathe it, serialism happened, and no matter how loudly you shout ‘la la la’ with your ears covered, it’ll still be there when you stop, staring you in the face more intently than ever. A lot of
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Zoltán Kodály: Taking Children Seriously
When I walk into my music studio I see Zoltán Kodály’s Sonata for Cello and Piano. It is prominently displayed and beautifully framed with Kodály’s signature splashed across the title page. Kodály was an important figure in our house. He
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Zukerman in Hong Kong
Last month, I had the chance to attend an orchestral concert directed by Pinchas Zukerman, featuring both Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra – of which he is Music Director – and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. I was apprehensive about this
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The Incredible Human Hands
The Human Hands Here are some facts you may not know about your hands. With 34 muscles, 27 bones, 48 named nerves and at least 123 ligaments in each hand, the human hand is known for its ability to carry
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Rags to Riches – Folk in the Chopin Mazurkas
Without doubt, one of the greatest and most important composers for piano was Frederic Chopin. His groundbreaking harmonies, forms and textures make him one of the most prominent names associated with piano music. With the exception of a couple of
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Medieval Music is SO Boring!
Le remède de fortune
Qui n’aroit autre deport – Lai Tels rit au main qui au soir pleure – Complainte Joie, plaisence et douce norriture – chanson roial En amer a douce vie – Rondelet Dame de qui toute ma joie – Ballade Dame,
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Musical Mentors
To become a successful performer takes more than raw talent, someone to mold that talent and diligent practice. If you’re lucky, as I was, on the road to becoming a musician you encounter in addition to a good teacher, musical
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Music and Religion: Silence the Organ!
The Second Vatican Council, colloquially known as “Vatican II” and held in the early 1960’s, sought to address the relationship between the Roman Catholic Church and a society living in a modern and industrialized world. Bishops around the world had
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