
3099 Posts
In touch with Melody Eötvös
Hailed as “the city’s most innovative music experience” by the Financial Times, the Intimacy of Creativity, founded by Chinese-American composer Bright Sheng, begins its fourth cycle this April, to bring together internationally acclaimed performers and composers for creative dialogue and
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György Sebők – Pianist, Artist, Alchemist
Have you ever had a teacher who was a great musician, mystic, mentor, statesman and alchemist all at once? Pianist, György Sebők was such a man. When I first met him at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana in the late
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Pipe Dreams
The instruments of Gottfried Silbermann
Are you ready for your monthly instrument quiz? I think you’re going to like this one! Here it goes. What instruments did Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart have in mind when he wrote, “These instruments are magnificent beyond measure?” And in case
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In touch with Michael Thomas Foumai
Hailed as “the city’s most innovative music experience” by the Financial Times, the Intimacy of Creativity, founded by Chinese-American composer Bright Sheng, begins its fourth cycle this April, to bring together internationally acclaimed performers and composers for creative dialogue and
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Music for the Ides of March
Kobayashi Issa beautifully captured the change of season and the idea of rejuvenation and renewal in his spring haiku: Spring breeze— the pine on the ridge whispers it
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In touch with Veritas Vos
We sat quietly in a dark room, silent except for the slight hum from the air-conditioners. “Let’s listen,” we were instructed.
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Music for Lent
Ash Wednesday on March 5th marks the beginning of the Christian period of Lent. An annual period of self-examination and meditation in preparation for Easter, Lent is also a time when many people try to give up something, like chocolate
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Revamping Classical Music’s Sex Appeal
Music has always been my companion. Just shy of 3 years old, I would sing along to pop songs broadcasted on the radio. By the time I grasped the basics of the piano, I would make up random tunes on
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