
3107 Posts
Naughty Musicians
Crazy Stunts, Jokes, and Toilet Paper Playing During Covid-19
Times are tough. We all need a laugh and many musicians are among those who are lightening the mood with crazy jokes, and stunts. For eons viola players have been the brunt of classical music jokes. Here’s one—Why do violists
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The Self-Isolating Musician
The coronavirus is forcing us to practice social distancing and self-isolation. As I joked on Twitter the other day, musicians, and especially pianists, have been self-isolating for years! The musician’s life is, by necessity, lonely for in that sequestered time
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Doctors’ Orchestras
In a previous article on Medical Musicians, I looked at the question of why people in the medical fraternity are drawn to making music in groups much more than other professional bodies. This article highlights many of the doctors’ orchestras
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Concerts in the Time of Coronavirus
Concert– a performance by musicians or singers for an audience The word “concert” conjures up an image of a beautiful hall, an orchestra or soloists on stage and an appreciative audience listening intently. From the grand old halls such as
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Music and the Plague and Other Dilemmas
The Plague was the Medieval world’s pandemic. The 20th and 21st century pandemic is the flu. No black swellings of the lymph nodes for the modern patient, we get lung problems with fever. St. Sebastian, he of the arrows, was
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Understanding Performance Anxiety
In this, the first of a series of articles, I will look at the origins and causes of Performance Anxiety. Subsequent articles will offer strategies for managing anxiety. For many musicians, “stage fright” or Performance Anxiety is the fear which
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Musicians for Troubling Times
Music and artists to the rescue. As we are quarantining, as perhaps never before, we are experiencing the value of music and the arts. We’re finding ways to collectively enjoy it virtually, by QuaraStreaming concerts, opera, chamber music, and individuals
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In Memoriam: Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020)
Music in the Nuclear Age
Throughout his life and career, Krzysztof Penderecki (1933-2020) considered music a fundamental and essential part of the human condition. He started composing when he was six, and his whole life as an artist has been a never-ending search for self-expression.
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